The policy wind is blowing
SENCL gallop to

Officials from the embassies of lsrael and South Korea in Shanghai and relevant leaders from Huzhou City visited Sinovel for research.
Changing the understanding of genetic material, Global Synthetic Biology Market Size 2019.

Ingredient Popularisation | Deciphering the "longevity vitamin" ergothioneine from the "temple" into hundreds of millions of families
Does the day-to-day grind wear you down?

After a hundred years of silence, ergothionein entered the golden development period under the promotion of SENCL
The essence of aging is the oxidation of the body's cells. The history of human anti-aging is a history of antioxidant exploration.

From the essence of all things to daily nourishment, SENCL holds the secretkey of synthetic biology to open the door of "science and technology"
In the old days, there was an elixir to clear the pass, but today there are pills to cure all diseases